Registration Form

Thank you for your interest in joining HCA Hospice – Walk With Me 2024!
Please fill in your details in the following form.
Required fields are denoted by *.
Choose Your Category *
Account Details

Tip: Promo/Corporate codes are issued by HCA Hospice. Do email to if you face any issues using your promo code.

Tip: Get the team code from your Team Leader.

Upload the photo in JPG or JPEG format with a maximum size of 8MB size. The recommended ratio is 1:1 with minimum image width and height of 250px by 250px.
Note that uploaded image will be automatically square cropped.

Acknowledgement *
Create Your Walk With Me Profile

No change is allowed after submission.

Upload the photo in JPG or JPEG format with a maximum size of 8MB size. The recommended ratio is 1:1 with minimum image width and height of 250px by 250px.
Note that uploaded image will be automatically square cropped.

$ .00

Note: Sizes run smaller than usual. To choose the right size for you, we recommend that you refer to the size chart before confirming registration.

Click here to view size chart.

Your Personal Particulars

Make sure your email address is correct. Event updates and instructions will also be sent there.

Medical History
Emergency Contact
Communications *
To guarantee that you have all the essential information for the Walk, we will be keeping you updated via email, so do check your inbox. In the event of extreme wet weather, we may also update you via SMS.
If you would like to receive future updates on HCA events and initiatives, please consider joining our mailing list:
Health Declaration *
Terms and Conditions *
Indemnity *
PDPA Consent *
Payment Mode*